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Departed Title Screen

Motion Graphics


  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe After Effects

  • Adobe Premiere

  • Milanote


Departed early title screen concept of what would it look like in a actually game as a motion graphics. Before actually being developed into Unity for my game Departed. Develop mood boards, style frames, readjustments, sound effects, music, graphics, and adding animation using adobe after effects to finish animation to render.


Origin reason my cat Chi died back in May 03, 2021 after being together for 7 years. Which was my first cat death to bury while my others cat never returned.


My first process was gathering inspiration from other video game's title screen, UI menus, audio, UI animation, and comparing their overall visuals. Which helped in me refining my choice of a dark night time theme especially related to the time when my cat passed away. Keeping the style simple with a simple vector art blended with texture and adding green to contrast well with the dark blue. Later designed a working logo of a cat on a crescent circle representing the cycle of life. Created a list of graphics that I might need to draw to add into my final animation into the after effects process. Before starting my progress into after effects and illustrator to have a goal in mind.

Style Frames

Early layout design for game's title screen, menus, loading, and prologue designed in Adobe Illustrator and exported to After Effects. 

Final Video

Here's the full video title screen animation with background music, and other sound effects added to feel like watching a video gameplay.


Want  to Collaborate with me

Feel free to email me at Please let me know about your goals to help design based on project.

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